Top 5 hotels in Thailand for an unforgettable holiday!
Holidays in Thailand is rapidly gaining popularity among Ukrainians - this country knows how to…

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10 reasons to visit Berlin
Berlin is a vibrant city that can be shocked by daring trends or an innovative…

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The best entertainment in the UAE
Dubai is the largest emirate of the UAE, the center of world trade. Every year…


Ideas for an unforgettable vacation in Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka is still slowly recovering from war wounds. Despite this, the country is attractive…


different countries

Top 5 favorite celebrity vacation spots

Stars are accustomed to relax brightly and comfortably, but often – secretly from prying eyes. Well-known people, although they can travel the whole world, still prefer their favorite resorts, where they gladly return every year, and sometimes they even buy houses there. Today we will “disturb” their peace and tell you about the top 5 places where famous and creative people like to spend their holidays.
1. Dear and luxurious Marbella (Spain) Continue reading

10 reasons to visit Berlin
Berlin is a vibrant city that can be shocked by daring trends or an innovative…


The best entertainment in the UAE
Dubai is the largest emirate of the UAE, the center of world trade. Every year…


Where to spend your honeymoon: the best resorts for a romantic trip
Wedding - an important event in the life of everyone, where you need to think…
