Best hotels in the Adriatic
As part of the Mediterranean, the Adriatic Sea inherited all the best: a diverse underwater…

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Hainan Island or East Hawaii
The resort city of Sanya - a real gem of the island. And this is…

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A brief guide to Sharm el-Sheikh
Bright sun, two of the warmest seas, beautiful coral reefs, unusual underwater flora, rest for…


A brief guide to Sharm el-Sheikh
Bright sun, two of the warmest seas, beautiful coral reefs, unusual underwater flora, rest for…


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Top 5 favorite celebrity vacation spots

Stars are accustomed to relax brightly and comfortably, but often – secretly from prying eyes. Well-known people, although they can travel the whole world, still prefer their favorite resorts, where they gladly return every year, and sometimes they even buy houses there. Today we will “disturb” their peace and tell you about the top 5 places where famous and creative people like to spend their holidays.
1. Dear and luxurious Marbella (Spain) Continue reading

The best entertainment in the UAE

Dubai is the largest emirate of the UAE, the center of world trade. Every year there are dozens of festivals and fairs. The most famous of them is the Dubai Shopping Festival. Required to visit every shopaholic. However, in addition to bright windows, there is something to do.
The first time this event was organized in 1996. Discounts offered only one shopping mall, and the number of interested barely reached 200 thousand people. However, as early as next year, a million tourists came to the holiday, and the number continues to grow until today. Now the main participating malls are: Dubai Mall, Al-Barsha City Center, Mall of the Emirates. In each of them you can get lost among the shops, huge food courts are immediately equipped and a lot of entertainment is offered. Continue reading

A brief guide to Thailand
White sandy beaches, majestic temples, street food, ancient cultural heritage ... Thailand is a country…


The best travel destinations in December
Travel to India will give you a bright kaleidoscope of emotions. And December is a…


10 reasons to visit Berlin
Berlin is a vibrant city that can be shocked by daring trends or an innovative…
