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Tours on the “Titanic” for travelers

The British publication The Telegraph has blown up the world community with intriguing news: in 2018, a unique journey to the remains of the legendary Titanic will be available. It is assumed that the dive to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean and the contemplation of the wreckage of the sunken ship will be held in May next year.
Mission in St. John’s: Tourist Dive
One of the largest tour operators in Britain promises to organize an unforgettable excursion and immerse tourists to a depth of 4,000 meters to meet with the airliner. The details of the journey capture no less than the tour itself on the Titanic, which will last 8 days. A total of nine lucky ones, lucky enough to be among the first, will begin their mission in St. John’s, Newfoundland. Here they will be awaited by a helicopter that takes all crew members to a research yacht. Tourists will spend several days with a group of researchers and scientists. During this time, it will be possible to familiarize yourself with the work of oceanologists, to learn interesting facts about the ocean floor, to hear unknown details about the history of the Titanic crash, and also to prepare for the dive.
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Tour of the “Titanic”
It is assumed that the most exciting and long-awaited part of the journey will be waiting for the third or sixth day. During this period, oceanologists will especially carefully monitor changes in weather conditions, and will be able to conduct an excursion to the place of “burial” of the liner. Here, in the north of the Atlantic Ocean, accompanied by several experts, including those on deep-sea diving, 9 tourists will be able to be among the first to touch the tragic historical events and see with their own eyes the former power and faded luxury of a vessel that was once considered unsinkable. Obligatory point of the program is considered to inspect the deck of the Titanic, on which the famous main staircase is preserved. According to experts, the dive will last the whole day.
How much is left to exist the legendary ship?
April 2017 marks the 105th anniversary of the collapse of a giant cruise liner. It is assumed that the same amount – 105 thousand dollars – will have to pay out to anyone who wants to see the remains of the legend with his own eyes. That is exactly how much a tour to the Titanic is per person in eight days. Despite the high cost, the project organizers are confident in its success. And the point is not only that the number of tours is still limited. Anxiety of those who want to look at the world legend is connected with the shocking statement of experts, who note that after only a couple of decades, only rusty spots will remain in place of body parts. The deep-water bacteria Halomona titanicae, which were named after the sunken ship, are to blame for this hitherto unknown science. If the voracious microorganism continues to corrode the ship, then in 15-20 years the “Titanic” can completely disappear from the face of the Earth.
The first steps in the development of the sunken giant
It is believed that for the first time after the end of the First World War, the liner was spoken about in the 1950s, but the technology of those times did not allow its search and recovery to the surface. Only in 1985, after several unsuccessful attempts, the American Robert Ballard, possessed by the passion to find the Titanic, managed not only to fulfill his dream, but also to make it public.
Almost a decade later, in 1994, RMS Titanic acquired the exclusive right to lift the wrecks of the giant. Deep-sea robots and manned vehicles could not only transmit photos of the vessel and report on the bottom reliefs of the area, but also get valuable relics from the crash site. Condemned by the public, the owners of the corporation held exhibitions, auctions, sold unique artifacts to collectors around the world. Such things as a chef’s hat, pieces of coal, a bottle of perfume, a bottle of champagne with a cork, shoes and shoes, cutlery and much more went off the hammer. Only after the change of leadership did the RMS Titanic Corporation stop extracting soul wreckage from the ocean floor, and vice versa, combined work with research institutes in order to protect the still-existing memorial.
Wreck and its consequences
“Titanic” – the legendary British ship, which is a truly unique structure. Its length was about 270 meters, width – just over 28 meters, and the height could be equal to the 11-storey building.
On April 14, 1912, this largest, most reliable and luxurious airliner of its time collided with a huge iceberg, during which the hull shell received serious damage. The consequences of the collision crew members could not be eliminated. The vessel went under water for 2 hours and 40 minutes, carrying about 1,500 people with it into the ocean. It was possible to save just over 700 passengers. The wreckage of the Titanic rests in the Atlantic Ocean at a depth of 3,750 meters, 600 km west of the island of Newfoundland.

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