Tours on the "Titanic" for travelers
The British publication The Telegraph has blown up the world community with intriguing news: in…

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Where to spend your honeymoon: the best resorts for a romantic trip
Wedding - an important event in the life of everyone, where you need to think…

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Solar Sicily: 5 places that need to be visited by tourists
Sicily - one of the most mysterious and picturesque islands, located on the tip of…


Where to taste oysters in Paris
The season of oysters (the time when they are easily available and taste excellent) lasts…


but also

10 reasons to visit Berlin

Berlin is a vibrant city that can be shocked by daring trends or an innovative approach to creativity. He knows how to adapt to everything unusual and attracts with numerous riches. It is called the city of extremes, attracting travelers from all over the world. We found 10 reasons to relax in Berlin. Perhaps they will push you into the arms of adventure.
Try unusual dishes in the Einsunternull restaurant Continue reading

Top 5 Attractions Fujairah

Fujairah is the youngest region of the United Arab Emirates and one of the most popular resorts. It is unique in that it is washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean, and not the Persian Gulf. Fujairah amazes with the greenery of the valleys and the greatness of the mountains, which are so atypical for the UAE. There are no fuss and skyscrapers, but there are wide beaches, clean ecology, historical monuments and all the conditions for secluded relaxation. Fujairah is located near the Hajjar Mountains and the Gulf of Oman and has a new airport. When planning a tour to the UAE, many choose Fujairah. Today we will tell about the features of this amazing emirate. Continue reading

Tours on the “Titanic” for travelers

The British publication The Telegraph has blown up the world community with intriguing news: in 2018, a unique journey to the remains of the legendary Titanic will be available. It is assumed that the dive to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean and the contemplation of the wreckage of the sunken ship will be held in May next year.
Mission in St. John’s: Tourist Dive Continue reading

4 European cities worth visiting with children
Many parents are accustomed to travel with their children, teaching children to the subtleties of…


Pets friendly: 8 hotels where you can relax with a pet
In most hotels, pets are not allowed. But this is not a reason to refuse…


Travel to Sri Lanka
The tourism industry of Sri Lanka is well developed. The island is famous for the…
