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11 unusual places worth visiting in Croatia.

Country Croatia is full of strange sights worth seeing. Starting with the passenger wrecks of the Titanic times and ending with the traces of brontosaurs. Some of these interesting places are located on land, some under water.
Sunken ship “Baron Gauch”
The story of how the elegant passenger airliner Baron Gauch during World War II partially resembled the fate of the Titanic. The ship began its last journey from Kotor, Montenegro, heading for the port of Trieste. The ship was carrying refugees and soldiers. The fate of the vehicle is very tragic and associated with a stupid mistake: while the captain of the ship was asleep, his deputy was having dinner, an inexperienced trainee ignored the warning about a minefield laid by Austro-Hungarian troops. 147 people died. The liner crashed 40 kilometers from the island of Brijuni. This place is popular with divers Pula and Porec.
Blue Cave, Bisevo
On the sparsely populated island of Bisevo, not far from Vis, there is a bright and impressive natural wonder of Croatia. In the summer, there are guided tours on the ship, in particular, from the nearby resort Komizha. Available only from the sea, the Blue Cave of Bisevo is a limestone cave with a hole in the floor through which the rays of the sun penetrate at noon. The effect lasts for two hours, and it seems that the cave glows blue. In order to feel the beauty of the place, visitors also explore the underwater part of the cave. The tour includes a picnic on the nearby beach.
The private possessions of post-war leader Tito, Brijuni Islands, are strangely attractive. The archipelago of Fanage, not far from Pula, is part of the national park Brijuni of 14 islands. At the largest, Veliki Brijuni, there are rare treasures: dinosaur footprints, Roman and Byzantine ruins, and even the first golf course in Europe. Tito later created his own safari park: there are elephants, zebras, and other animals, which were presented by national leaders of European countries. Some animals still live free, and the rest as stuffed animals became exhibits of the museum nearby.
Eco Center Kaput Insula
Located on the pristine island of Cres, the Eco Center of Kaput Insula is at the same time a unique nature reserve and volunteer center. This institution specializes in protecting and controlling a population of rare vultures that nest nearby. These birds are almost extinct in continental Europe, and are found in some areas of Crete, Sardinia and Guernsey.
Take a walk along the nature trails through the Tramuntana, observing vultures, peregrine falcons and other rare birds.
Tunnel grill
The most strange attraction, which is located in the capital of Croatia, Zagreb, is the Grück tunnel under the fortifications of the Upper Town. The tunnel with a length of 350 meters was created during World War II as a bomb shelter. By the time the construction was completed, the devastating bombings of Croatia had stopped. In the early 1990s, the place attracted DJs and ravers, who began to organize parties here. Recently it was reconstructed and soon in the tunnel will open the Museum of the senses.
Gulf of candarola
Follow the path of the heir to the British throne, hiring a boat on the embankment of the island of Rab. Arriving in the Gulf of Kandarola, tourists get to the place where Edward VIII and his scandalous mistress Wallis Simpson spent time together in 1936. The press captured the celebrities completely naked, which established nudist traditions on the beach. Today, popular among nudists, the beach of Kandarola Bay attracts adventurous travelers.
Mongoose on the island of Mljet
Now about 1000 inhabitants and thousands of mongooses live on the island. This animal was brought from Asia more than a hundred years ago to fight venomous snakes. After defeating the asps, the mongooses ousted mammals that hunted birds. Now the island is recognized as a national park. Exploring Mljet along the only highway, it is difficult to avoid meeting these animals from the Jungle Book.
Museum of Divorce
The Museum of Divorces began as a one-day project, but unexpectedly fell in love with tourists. The museum explores the mysterious experience of ending romantic relationships. This exhibition was invented by the artist Dreisen Hrubizik and Olinka Vistika. Here are the heartbreaking souvenirs, notes, letters and trinkets that remain after parting.
Peek & Poke, Rijeka
In the strange city of Rijeka, the Peek & Poke Museum is located with 2000 examples of early computer technology. Tourists will see old calculators, game consoles and huge terminals from the 1980s and 1990s. The most interesting exhibits of the Nintendo Game Boy and Sinclair C5. The museum is open from October to May.

11 unusual places worth visiting in Croatia.
Country Croatia is full of strange sights worth seeing. Starting with the passenger wrecks of…


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