Ideas for an unforgettable vacation in Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka is still slowly recovering from war wounds. Despite this, the country is attractive…

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Travel to Sri Lanka
The tourism industry of Sri Lanka is well developed. The island is famous for the…

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6 extraordinary places of the Balkan Peninsula

The Balkan Peninsula is one of the most beautiful places on earth. Everyone who has ever visited this place noticed that there is not one attractive attraction. Wherever you look, the traveler will find the delightful and beautiful, whether nature or a monument. Highlands and a turbulent historical past will attract the most spoiled tourist. We picked up the 6 most interesting places in the Balkan Peninsula.
1. Split, Croatia
The town on the coast of the Adriatic Sea is the perfect combination of natural and artificial beauty. In 305 BC, the Roman emperor Diocletian used this place to recuperate after a noisy Rome. He built here a rich palace, which became a familiar detail of the historic center of the city. The traveler can walk along the embankment of Riva, climb a nearby hill and enjoy the view of the city or relax on the beach.
2. Lake Bled, Slovenia
Lake Bled as if it came from fairy tales. The deep blue lake framed by the Alps, with a picturesque little church on an island in the middle, has become truly one of the jewels of Slovenia. The traveler, having rented a boat, will reach the small island, where, most likely, he will get to the local wedding. According to tradition, the bridegroom carries the bride in his arms through all the steps of the church in order to make a wish inside. It is considered a good sign if the newlyweds will be caught holding hands chime bells.
Some more interesting places to visit in Croatia are here!
3. Girokastra, Albania
Also known as the City of Stones, Gjirokastra in Southern Albania is under UNESCO protection thanks to the many well-preserved houses of the Ottoman Empire. Despite the fact that the number of residents hardly reaches the number of 20,000 people, there is a rather large Greek community here. In addition, the city became the birthplace of two of the most famous Albanians – Enver Goksha, the communist leader, and Ismail Kadar, a novelist and a dissident. The area was inhabited in the Bronze Age, and most of the architecture dates from the 17th and 18th centuries.
4. Nessebar, Bulgaria
With a population of 10,000 inhabitants on the Black Sea coast, this city is another good example of how nature and culture can create an amazing place. About 500,000 tourists come to Bulgaria every year, many of them head here. Nessebar was inhabited for 3000 years by various tribes, it was ruled by empires. They left traces in the form of buildings of various architectural styles and temporal eras. There are many Orthodox churches here. Location on the coast with one half of the city on a small peninsula, only adds to the charm of this place.
5. Subotica, Serbia
Subotica is a typical Balkan town. There is no main ethnic group here, and the population is a mix of Hungarians, Serbs, Croats and others. Since the city is the center of the Vojvodina region, which for the most part is still more Hungarian than Serbian, it became the birthplace of famous personalities. For example, here was born the writer Dejё Kostanya, and the well-known performer of the role of Dracula, Bela Lugosi. The city has a rich and tangled history, because in these territories there were different empires, but most of all there is an art-nouveau style architecture from the period of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy.
6. Durmitor National Park, Montenegro
Since most of Montenegro is covered with mountains, Durmitor has become the center of mountain tourism. Here you can ski, mountaineering or just enjoy the picturesque view. Numerous lakes fill the landscape, and in autumn the park is illuminated with bright colors of autumn leaves. Part of the area is located in the canyon of the Tara River, the second largest after the Grand Canyon.

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