7 sights of Turkey, which tourists do not know
Even seasoned travelers do not always know that holidays in Turkey are not only all-inclusive…

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A brief guide to Sharm el-Sheikh
Bright sun, two of the warmest seas, beautiful coral reefs, unusual underwater flora, rest for…

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Hyde through the capital of Mexico: places that can not be missed
One of the largest cities in North America is Mexico City. There are not only…


Hyde through the capital of Mexico: places that can not be missed
One of the largest cities in North America is Mexico City. There are not only…


7 romantic places to stay in Spain

Dreaming of a romantic weekend for two? Why not opt ​​for Spain? This country is famous not only for the warm climate, ideal for sea holidays, but also for stunning ancient cities, where it’s so good to be lost together.
1. Granada
Granada is the most favorite place among tourists at any time of the year. A walk through the Alhambra Palace at sunset is the perfect pastime for lovers. Watch the sunset turn the walls of the palace into pink. No wonder Federico Garcia Lorca dedicated many poems to this place. Arrange a romantic picnic outdoors, enjoying a stunning view of the Cathedral. Take a walk through the legendary Sacramonte quarter to the fiery sounds of flamenco.
2. Madrid
In the capital of Spain there are many interesting things for lovers and for lonely tourists. You can hand in hand explore the Madrid galleries and museums, and then wander into a cozy restaurant and enjoy this paella and gazpacho. In the evening you can stroll through the Retiro Park, where you can rent a boat and ride through the large and beautiful park pond.
3. Barcelona
Barcelona is a real mecca for art lovers, a city to which a record number of paintings, poems and songs have been dedicated. The bohemian atmosphere of the old streets, small restaurants with an excellent national menu, architectural masterpieces by Antonio Gaudi … There is no doubt that there is something to see in Barcelona!
4. Seville
Sultry and seductive city with an ancient history. It is considered the most beautiful city in Spain after Madrid. City of Opera and Flamenco. Admire the beauty of the Seville Cathedral, the Alcazar palace-fortress, built in the 14th century, the twelve-angle “golden” tower on the banks of the Guadalquivir and other sights of this wonderful city!
Read more about different countries in our blog!
5. Toledo
Imagine that you had to use a time machine … Toledo will steal the heart of lovers of fairy-tale castles and medieval streets.
Moreover: Toledo is protected by UNESCO.
6. Segovia
The whole Old Town of Segovia is surrounded by a wall and protected by UNESCO. If you are a couple who loves history, ancient architecture and medieval sights, then Segovia is for you. Spend unforgettable hours in the maze of narrow alleys and courtyards: a new discovery will be waiting for you near every corner. The combination of Moorish architecture, small craft shops and beautiful gardens – and you get a quiet cultural weekend in Segovia!
7. Mallorca
Mallorca is ideal for a relaxing weekend, and ideally a whole vacation! Explore the coastline by boat, and the brave can try to descend by canoe. Secret coves and stunning hidden beaches await you, as well as clear sea with cool water.

Everything a tourist needs to know about Oktoberfest
The Munich Oktoberfest is listed in the Guinness Book as the world's largest folklore festival.…


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The best entertainment in the UAE
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