Where to taste oysters in Paris
The season of oysters (the time when they are easily available and taste excellent) lasts…

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Tours on the "Titanic" for travelers
The British publication The Telegraph has blown up the world community with intriguing news: in…

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Hyde through the capital of Mexico: places that can not be missed
One of the largest cities in North America is Mexico City. There are not only…


Holidays in winter: why not go to Goa?
The smallest state of India is very popular with tourists. There are many lovely, touching…



Hyde through the capital of Mexico: places that can not be missed

One of the largest cities in North America is Mexico City. There are not only more than 20 million inhabitants, but also a lot of interesting places for tourists. This is a city of adventure and contrasts, beloved by many travelers.
In the center of Mexico City, tourists will find something to their liking in megacities: centuries-old history, impressive museums, fabulous restaurants, attractive hotels, wonderful architecture and friendly locals. Continue reading

6 reasons to visit Israel this fall

Israel is, first of all, the cradle of the three religions. There are such shrines as the Wailing Wall, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the Basilica of the Annunciation and many others. And yet – this is a place of rest, where you can safely spend time on the shores of the Dead Sea, do meditation, undergo a course of massage or spa therapy. But few people know that Israel is not inferior to the UK in terms of the scale and quality of DJ music festivals.
The largest hippie festival “Zorba” is held in Israel twice a year – in spring and autumn. Continue reading

The best dishes of the East: where to go for new impressions

Countries of the East – a tasty morsel for tourists. And not only in the figurative sense, but also in the direct. After all, in addition to the sights that keep the age-old secrets, exotic nature and color, here is fantastically delicious cuisine. And if you want to get a bright taste experience – you should definitely buy a tour to Israel, the United Arab Emirates or Egypt with departure from Kiev. In these countries, they cook food with meaning, mixed with ancient traditions and legends. Continue reading

The best entertainment in the UAE
Dubai is the largest emirate of the UAE, the center of world trade. Every year…


10 reasons to visit Berlin
Berlin is a vibrant city that can be shocked by daring trends or an innovative…


Hainan Island or East Hawaii
The resort city of Sanya - a real gem of the island. And this is…
